Submitted by Glen P. Weber on Tue, 02/05/2013 - 13:560:32 minutes (312.29 KB)
more noodling
[TW with Grid resistors] by [dave Brons]
Submitted by Bronsboi on Sat, 03/16/2013 - 10:531:29 minutes (1.11 MB)
Here is a short demo of the TW with 220k grid resistors on LTPI
[Tw grid resistors pt 2] by [dave brons]
Submitted by Bronsboi on Sat, 03/16/2013 - 11:001:39 minutes (1.24 MB)
hereis pt 2 more noodling
Top Boosted Pentode, Clean. by GT350
Submitted by GT350 on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 14:450:38 minutes (597.14 KB)
A familiar jangly tune. Semi-hollow Tele with mini-humbuckers into Top-Boosted Pentode preamp w/18 Watt power amp. Carvin V30 clone speaker inside isolation cab. SM57 mic into iPhone. Pentode cathode bypass cap switched out.
Top Boosted Pentode, Little Bit Gritty. by GT350
Submitted by GT350 on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 14:500:39 minutes (605.71 KB)
A familiar jangly tune. Semi-hollow Tele with mini-humbuckers into Top-Boosted Pentode preamp w/18 Watt power amp. Carvin V30 clone speaker inside isolation cab. SM57 mic into iPhone. Pentode cathode bypass cap switched in for a little more gain.
[audio-bronsboi-TW reamp-raw] by [audio-tag-artist-raw]
Submitted by Bronsboi on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 15:272:01 minutes (1.43 MB)
~This is some roughly played fast stuff to demo the blocking distortion prob I'm having
[audio-Bronsboi-TW test guitar signal-raw] by [audio-tag-artist-raw]
Submitted by Bronsboi on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 15:362:01 minutes (1.43 MB)
here is the raw guitar signal for tw test
[audio-tw test audio 1-title-raw] by [audio-bronsboi-artist-raw]
Submitted by Bronsboi on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 07:002:01 minutes (1.43 MB)
redone the test file with no eqing on it
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