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Wattkins Universal PCB Projects particle particle 10 weeks 4 days ago
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How do I turn a Valve Junior chassis into something useful ? Frequently Asked Questions jamesrr 11 Glen P. Weber 6 years 43 weeks ago
RF Drive PCB Projects particle particle 9 years 8 weeks ago
Wattkins Universal Chassis Projects particle particle 9 years 11 weeks ago
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Thrifty Lineout Box with Tweed Tone Control Projects particle particle 10 years 23 weeks ago
How to Find out if an Electronic Vacuum Tube Is Good Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 24 weeks ago
How do I determine the 'Z' of an Output Transformer (OT) Frequently Asked Questions jamesrr jamesrr 10 years 28 weeks ago
Big British Distortion PCB Projects particle particle 10 years 29 weeks ago
What do I use to clean up components & solder flux? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
How do I wire up the heaters/filaments? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
How do I wire up the front panel controls? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
How do I break in a speaker? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
How do I wire up the power supply? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
How Do I Tune A Guitar? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
What is Variable Voltage Regulation (VVR)? Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
All Newcomers Start Here... Frequently Asked Questions particle particle 10 years 30 weeks ago
How to solder - the comic book (newbies start here) Frequently Asked Questions particle 3 Bronsboi 10 years 30 weeks ago

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